I changed my major to Elementary Education, added a year to my college career and ended up meeting my now husband!!
After moving to Georgia, my desire to become a designer again blossomed. I had taught for almost 10 years at the time and I was still teaching full time when I decided to complete my design degree. I took classes locally on the weekends and took online classes throughout the week. My husband was so supportive and a real trooper during my late nights. But, I successfully completed my studies and earned my Diploma in Residential Planning with flying colors.
After earning my diploma, we decided together for me to quit teaching. There were other factors such as stress and trying to begin a family (go to garyandannac.blogspot.com for more on our Adoption Journey) that caused me to quit my job.

As of now, I am back to my designing roots. I recently became a consultant for Clever Container and I am trying to build my own business through blogging, organizing and designing on the side.
I know I am on the right path and that this path will allow me to be a stay at home mom and still work to bring in the additional income our growing family will need.
Overall, I am blessed. I am happy with my choices and I have a wonderful and supportive husband. I don't know where this new journey may take us, but please join me for the ride.
Hi Anna, this is Mandy! Very nice blog you got here! i was wondering if you have a "follow" widget so i can follow your blog?
Yay! I saw that you signed up for findmyorganizer!! Your site is coming along nicely! Hope all is well in GA! Your design/ organizing friend! Ann Marie
Hi Ann Marie- Good to hear from you. Yes, thank you so much for telling me about the site! I have actually gotten several leads from there!! I am excited to move forward. I also became a Design Assistant for a neigbor who has her own design business. Working with her is giving me the resources and the additional business knowledge I need. I am excited about this journey. I am excited to use my talent and my knowledge!! I hope to keep up with you. Could you post your website here? I will follow you.
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